Schlagwort: Station
Wusik Station 8 v8.0.2 And Legacy Presets WiN MAC-ZODiACK
in AAX, AU, Audio Samples, for WusikStation, INTERNAL, Legacy, MAC, macOS, MaGeSY, MaGeSY INTERNAL, Presets, Station, VST, VST3, VSTi, WiN, WiNDOWS, WUSiK, Wusik Station, Wusik Station 8, Wusikstation, WusikStation 8, x64, x86ZODiACK/MaGeSY | 16 September 2016 | FULL: 11.60 GBVST2/VST3/AU/AAX x32/x64 & LEGACY PRESETSOne thing to notice is that Wusik Station V8 is actually a NEW product. I didn’t just took V7 code and made it cross-platform. No, I started from zero, reusing Wusik 8000 code which is cross-platform and uses modern coding. This presented some…